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To expand the XIBOA HEALING experience, I have produced or co-organized different events in Germany, Portugal, Spain, Indonesia  and other beautiful places.


MASSAGE SHALAS – A shared, open space where different massage therapists work together, at the same time. As a community concept, it was formed in the interest to spread the benefits of bodywork and healing touch through a monthly event to receive massages at accessible prices.

Dates: April - September 2019, Lisbon
More info & registration here...


WORKSHOPS – I teach groups the basics of how to give a healing touch, explaining the main benefits of Zen Shiatsu paired with some elements of traditional Chinese medicine methods, Zen philosophy and Chi-Flow exercises. A workshop can be offered as a part of a bigger event (retreat, festival) or as a solitary workshop for one or two days. If you're interested in participating or hosting a workshop, please contact me.

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